Selected Journal: Journal of the American Chemical Society
We developed this feature to ensure access to detailed metrics for your journal and the ability to benchmark your journal metrics with other leading journals in your field. With journal search, you can Track Leading-Edge Fields by identifying high-impact research trends in top journals and using our journal metrics to infer and adopt successful publishing strategies from high-quality journals.
Identify Leading-Edge Fields within a journal
Scinapse provides insights into leading-edge research areas & our unique first-year citations, defined by papers that have had first-year citation counts higher than the journal's impact factor over the past five years. This metric identifies research areas currently receiving significant and active citations.
By focusing on accepting papers from these leading-edge fields, your journal can significantly enhance its impact factor. Allowing you to track & check quantitative and qualitative trends, irrespective of the year, in papers from the leading edge fields over time.
This strategic approach ensures that you can publish content that is not only relevant but also highly cited, improving your journal's overall standing and influence in the academic community.
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